On 25 May 2018 new rules on the processing of personal data came into force.
The Arbitration Board always complies with legislation on personal data in force in Denmark from time to time.
Documents that must be submitted in encrypted form should be sent to the Arbitration Board at sikkerpost@voldgift.dk.
Arbitration Board users are entitled to know what data the Board stores about them, how the Board uses them, and when they are deleted.
When, based on agreement between the parties, the Arbitration Board is asked to provide assistance in dispute resolution procedures such as expert appraisal or arbitration, the Board opens a case file in which the names and contact details of the parties are recorded. The case files also contain the correspondence and documents submitted by the parties, as well as any expert appraisal reports, rulings and awards made in the case.
Members of the Arbitration Board staff have access to all information in case files, but they are bound by a duty of non-disclosure, and all information is treated as confidential and is only passed on to the parties to the case or their representatives as well as any expert appraisers, arbitrators, etc appointed in the case.
The Arbitration Board has entered into a data processing agreement with its IT suppliers and others so as to ensure that applicable rules are observed in connection with the provision of IT support by technicians who have access to the Board’s IT system. In addition, the Arbitration Board has security measures in place to ensure safe storage of data.
For further information please contact the Arbitration Board at voldgift@voldgift.dk.