The Secretariat

The Arbitration Board Secretariat deals with day-to-day management and administration of cases, including the management of documents and deadlines. The lawyers in the Secretariat may also make some procedural decisions and submit complex legal matters to a legal arbitrator for final decision.

The Secretariat is authorised to make some minor, limited procedural decisions in arbitral cases, including decisions on deadlines, and to make decisions on behalf of the Arbitration Board in matters where the rules refer to the Arbitration Board.

The Arbitration Board has authorised the Secretariat to appoint expert appraisers, specialist experts and technical arbitrators to hear cases in arbitral tribunals. In addition, the Secretariat provides advice to experts on procedural and legal matters as well as general advice to parties in arbitral cases and others on options and requirements.

The Secretariat staff is bound by the same requirement of non-disclosure of matters relating to the management of cases as are the arbitral tribunals

The Secretariat has a staff of 24. The management of cases is the responsibility of the lawyers and administrative officers in the Secretariat, depending on procedural steps taken, while the financial department deals with cost-related aspects of cases and is in charge of the financial management of the Secretariat. The receptionist is in charge of reception, case filing, the sorting of incoming mail, the ordering of food and beverages for meetings and certain tasks relating to case proceedings.

Practical information

The purpose of this website is to ensure that professional users such as lawyers and experts have easy access to general information, including the rules governing the handling of arbitral cases, and to give non-professional parties an insight into the work of the Arbitration Board.

If you cannot find the answers to your questions on this website or if you have questions concerning a specific case, you can contact the Secretariat on the Arbitration Board’s main telephone number. Cases are allocated to staff on the basis of case numbers, and reception staff will be able to help you find the right case worker. Emails can be sent to Incoming emails will quickly be forwarded to the person dealing with your specific case. If you have previously been in contact with the case worker you can contact him or her directly.

If necessary, outgoing emails will be encrypted, and the Board also receives encrypted incoming emails.

Danish Building and Construction Arbitration Board

Vesterbrogade 2 B, 3rd floor
DK-1620 Copenhagen V
Telephone +45 3313 3700

Business registration number: 61034412

Telephone hours: 9am-3pm Monday to Friday


Lene Ahlmann-Ohlsen
Excecutive director
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 47
Henrik Vind Hansen
Chief Legal Counsel
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 44
Stefan Borup-Nielsen
Senior Consultant
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 50
Michael Roland Nielsen
Specialist consultant
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 51
Rikke Steffensen
Specialist consultant
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 52
Flemming Corell
Spcialist consultant
Direct dial 33 36 98 71
Casper Norby Albertsen
Specialist consultant
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 63
Karen Moos Rasmussen
Legal adviser
Direct dial
Mette Bøcher
Direct dial + 45 26 36 98 44
Timian Ørom Olesen
Legal adviser
Direct dial 33 36 98 54
Caroline Palm Boesgaard
Legal adviser
Direct dial: 33 36 98 64
Diana Panzeri Jakobsen (Orlov)
Legal adviser
Direct dial 33 36 98 65
Shahrzad Khodabandeh
Legal adviser
Direct dial: 33 36 98 55
Mads Sebastian Schou
Legal adviser
Direct dial +45 33 36 98 62
Hanne Toft Bojsen
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 53
Helle Sauer
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 68
Bettina Egeriis
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 60
Miriam Russell
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 45
Marianne Eeg
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 46
Marianne Kim Jørgensen
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 48
Rikke Ertner
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 49
Fatma Cosar Grønholm
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 61
Malene Ebert
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 73
Anne Stenbo Røpcke
Direct dial 33 36 98 43
Belinda Christensen
Direct dial: 33 36 98 66
Tue Toft
Finance manager
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 57
Helle Filtenborg
Finance staff
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 42
Alice Hallunbæk
Finance staff
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 56
Anneli Wong
Josefine Bojsen
Communication Officer
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 41
Josefine Nickelsen
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 40
Emily Balanchi
Direct dial+45 33 36 98 69
Laura Højgaard
Direct dial: +45 33 36 98 58