
In consultation with a number of expert appraisers, the Arbitration Board has prepared new templates for expert reports.

There is a template for large-scale cases in relation to which a list of contents and other sections are needed, with or without guidelines, as well as a template for less extensive expert reports.

Remember to delete guidelines and elements that are not relevant in the case in question.

The Arbitration Board does not insist on use of templates, so expert appraisers who have already developed good concepts for their reports may continue using them. One of the benefits of using templates is that the risk of errors and omissions is reduced.

The templates are living documents and we welcome proposals for improving them.

Some parties prefer using the forms of the civil courts of law in cases brought before the Arbitration Board. Such forms are accepted as there is no compulsory use of templates. However, a party using alternative forms cannot require the opposing party to insert supplementary questions into the form used.

The Arbitration Board is currently developing templates and concepts for other purposes, including estimates and payment requests broken down by the parties to the case.

Template: short expert report

Template: long expert report with guidelines

Template: long expert report without guidelines

Template: estimate, large-scale cases

Template: estimate, large-scale cases

Template: estimate, email text 

Template: invoice for expert appraisal

CV template

The Arbitration Board sends the parties to the case a CV for all professionals proposed in connection with cases, irrespective of the case type.

This CV template can be used by expert appraisers, technical arbitrators, specialist experts, adjudicators, mediators and conciliators.

It is important that CVs are up to date and structured professionally, setting out all relevant technical and professional data. They should include a brief general introduction that gives readers an impression of skills and qualifications. The most important professional data, contact details and information of relevance to impartiality must be stated on the first page. More detailed information may be given on the following pages, where a list of places of employment, assignments and education and training completed may be included.

It should be noted that a CV for use in relation to the Arbitration Board differs from a CV submitted together with a job application. The same concept cannot be used.

It is not crucial that the Arbitration Board’s CV template is used, as long as the CV provides the same information and is professionally made.

Listing of named expert appraisal and arbitral cases that are treated as confidential is not allowed. Instead, you can state that you have extensive experience in expert appraisal procedures, etc.

Send your updated CV to voldgift@voldgift.dk

CV template

Reminder list

It is not only very important that the professional skills of expert appraisers are very good; processes have to be in order as well.

The Arbitration Board has therefore prepared the reminder list below as a supplement to the rules and guidelines otherwise used by expert appraisers.

The reminder list may be useful even to experienced expert appraisers.

New expert appraisers may contact the Arbitration Board to obtain further information and perhaps also be allocated a mentor if they do not have one already. The Arbitration Board seeks to ensure that all new expert appraisers have participated in expert appraisal procedures as observers before they conduct expert appraisal on their own.

The minutes of the expert appraisal meeting must be accurate and well structured in order to avoid misunderstandings. A professional, formal tone should be adopted in the minutes, which will be sent to all parties in the case, as well as in any other written documents.

It is up to the expert appraiser to make sure that all documents have been received. Sometimes documents are sent by the Arbitration Board; sometimes they are sent by the relevant party. The name of the sender will be stated in the Arbitration Board’s email with the questions to the expert.

The particulars of cases provided by the parties should not be set out in the report, which should only contain questions and answers.